BSS-03 5-day training on Integrity begins in Rajshahi





5-day training on Integrity begins in Rajshahi

RAJSHAHI, Feb 4, 2019 (BSS)- A five-day training on integrity began here on Sunday aims at disseminating ideas among people of all stakes on the issue along with various other civic services.

Divisional Ethnic Minority Cultural Academy organized the training at its conference hall.

Teachers from various schools and colleges, university students, social activists, scouts and officers and employees of the academy are taking part in the training workshop.

Deputy Director of Local Government and Deputy Director of the academy Muhammad Shalahuddin addressed the opening session as chief guest. Ward Member of Dewpara Union Parishad Kostantina Hasda and Training Officer of the academy Manuel Saren also spoke on the occasion.

During the training, the participants will be given ideas on various issues like disaster management, right to information law, innovation of civic services, office management and national integrity strategy.

Md Shalahuddin termed the training as continuous process and it can bring behavioral change in human being together with boosting competence and transforming people into self-reliant.

He said the country is marching forward at present and people are getting hundreds of civic services through online. The government will deliver more than 3,000 public services through online by 2030.

For this reason, people will be deprived from the huge services if they don’t receive requisite training. So, the government has adopted time-fitting measures of bringing people of all stakes and professions under training, he added.

BSS/AH/QC/1107 hrs