BFF-03 US Senate advances vote on ending military support for Saudis in Yemen





US Senate advances vote on ending military support for Saudis in Yemen

WASHINGTON, Dec 13, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – The US Senate sent a fresh warning to
President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia Wednesday by greenlighting a vote
that could end US military support for Riyadh’s war in Yemen.

Anger at the human cost of the war, as well as outrage over the killing of
US-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, have
prompted a harder line in Congress about the US military’s role in backing
the Saudi-led coalition fighting to bolster the Yemeni government against
Huthi rebels.

That mounting anger may prompt a separate measure in the coming days
accusing Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of direct involvement in the
journalist’s killing — in line with the reported conclusions of the CIA,
whose director Gina Haspel briefed lawmakers on Capitol Hill Wednesday.

That would be a direct challenge to Trump, who has sought to cast doubt on
the crown prince’s involvement in the killing and has stressed instead the
importance of US trade and military ties with the kingdom.

The Senate voted to advance the resolution that ends US backing for the
Saudi-led intervention in Yemen by 60 votes to 39, with 11 Republicans
joining Democrats to back the measure.

The final Senate vote is expected to take place on Thursday, although even
if the upper house approves the resolution, it is likely to run aground in
the lower House of Representatives where Republicans hold the majority until
January 3.

And even if Congress does back the measure, Trump will be able to deploy
his veto power. It remains, however, a powerful symbol of growing unease at
US backing for the young heir apparent to the Saudi throne.

Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell — a Trump loyalist —
had called on his party to vote against the resolution. But he did back a
pending non-binding resolution that would hold the Saudi crown prince
responsible for the Khashoggi killing.

That resolution, crafted by Bob Corker, a Republican who has been critical
of the president, is expected to enjoy broad bipartisan support.

In the meantime, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Jim
Mattis are set to defend the alliance with Riyadh in a closed-door briefing
to Congress on Thursday.

BSS/AFP/FI/ 0812 hrs