BSS-27 ‘Govt achieves envious success in power generation’





‘Govt achieves envious success in power generation’

DHAKA, Nov 26, 2018 (BSS) – The present government has achieved tremendous success in the enhancement of power generation capacity to make the country self-reliant in electricity supply and help reach power to every house.

“Bangladesh will achieve its complete self-reliance in electricity generation very soon to bring every house under power supply facilities,” State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid told BSS.

He called upon all for sincerely using power to save the national resource of electricity. “Currently 92 percent people are getting electricity, which was only 47 percent in the beginning of 2009,” he added.

Nasrul said the government has installed 99 power plants as against 27 in 2009 and the power generation capacity reached to 20,430 MW and power connections to 3.15 crore.

He said the government has brought over two crore people under power coverage through 53 lakh solar home systems, adding “Presently 55 power plants having 13,654 MW electricity generation capacity are under construction. Besides, tenders are being processed for setting up more 23 power plants having 7,461 MW capacity.”

The state minister said the government has also undertaken a plant to construct 19 power plants with 20,156 MW generation capacity.

A consumer from Dhanmondi area Sajjad Hossain told BSS that he witnessed severe load shedding before 2009 and now his family members are reaping the benefits of increased electricity generation.

Sajjad, however, said the present government achieved a tremendous success in power sector because of its farsightedness and capable leadership.

According to the power cell information, the government generated 11,623 MW electricity in September 19 this year. Under the state minister’s supervision transmission line has been expanded to 11,293 circuit kilometer, distribution line is now 4.76 lakh and capacity of grid sub-station (MVA) reached to 36,912.

The government is also importing 1,160 MW power from the neibouring country and currently per capita electricity generation reached to 464 KWh.