BFF-17, 18 Egyptian enthusiasts get American wrestling off the ground





Egyptian enthusiasts get American wrestling off the ground

ISMAILIA, Egypt, Nov 19, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – In an Egyptian schoolyard,
hundreds of fans watched as amateur fighters with painted faces and dramatic
costumes recreated an American-style wrestling show.

With eyes blackened by make-up, “The King of the Night” readied to take on
“Tiger”, clad in a leopard skin cape.

Under bright lights and blaring rock music, the duo took to the ring and
the fight played out with a mix of athletic moves and careful choreography.

The rare spectacle at a village school near the city of Ismailia, on the
banks of the Suez Canal, attracted a crowd of nearly 1,000 men, women and

The show was the brainchild of Ashraf Mahrous, who founded the self-
declared Egyptian Federation of Professional Wrestling in 2012 and has since
organised 22 events.

The group started with just eight fighters, including two women, but now
boasts 50 amateurs from across Egypt — although it is still not an official

“The idea of wrestling started with performing fighting moves on the bed
with my brother,” said 37-year-old Mahrous.

Three beds were broken in the process, forcing the boys to sleep on the

Years later the strikingly-tall Mahrous now uses the wrestling name

He dressed in a suit and tie for the school show, which he had spent months

But the playground lacked space and, after just 10 minutes, the event was
shut down due to overcrowding.

“We were not up to it,” co-organiser Ahmed Abdullah told the crowd through
a microphone.

“We had hoped to present something new to the village of Abu Saltan,” he

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Mahrous broke down in tears as people left and the lights went off one by

“If there was money, we could offer seats to everyone and hire an event
organiser,” he said.

The wrestling federation lacks sponsors and its members spend their own
money on organising events.

Most take place in clubs, but one is hosted by a Cairo children’s hospital.

“No-one succeeds here” in Egypt, one of the wrestlers whispered.

– Professional ambitions –

But despite the challenges, the wrestlers remain hopeful of one day
achieving the fame enjoyed by professionals in the United States.

Momen Mohamed — who fights as “Commando” — said he has been passionate
about American wrestling since he was a child.

“My favourite is Rey Mysterio, because of his light movements on the ropes
and his fighting style in the ring,” he said.

US wrestling is aired in cafes in working-class Egyptian neighbourhoods,
allowing enthusiasts to watch icons, including John Cena, Triple H and The

Global wrestling stars make a fortune from their performances, while they
also cash in on spin-off films and adverts.

Their Egyptian counterparts are just starting to get noticed, helped by a
Facebook page which has 40,000 fans.

Samir Ibrahim, a 22-year-old student who goes by “Ninja” in the ring, was
thrilled when he was recognised after appearing on local television.

“I ran into people who told me: ‘You were on TV, we know you, you’re Ninja
who wrestles,'” he said, wearing a mask and dressed head-to-foot in black.

The struggle to find suitable facilities has not put Mahrous off.

He built a makeshift ring by his family home in a nearby village, where he
trains amateur wrestlers surrounded by fields and part-complete red-brick

The wrestlers’ enthusiasm was clear at the school event, where 27-year-old
Mohamed was steadfast in his ambitions.

“I always hope that Egypt will have a professional wrestling federation,”
he said, after entering the arena as “The Lumberjack” and wielding an axe.

“I won’t abandon my dream.”

BSS/AFP/MR/ 1040 hrs