BSS-22 Court to decide on Khaleda’s release: Quader





Court to decide on Khaleda’s release: Quader

DHAKA, Nov 4, 2018 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today said the matter of granting bail to BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia is the jurisdiction of court.

“Releasing Khaleda Zia from jail on bail is not the jurisdiction of the government, rather it is completely a matter of the court. The court will decide on the issue,” he told a press conference at the ministry conference room at the secretariat here.

Quader said Begum Zia got bail in around 30 cases in the past. “We did not lodge the case in which Khaleda Zia has been convicted,” he added.

But, the minister said, if BNP wants Khaleda’s release on parole for treatment purpose, they can discuss the matter with the prime minister.

“The door of discussion remains open,” he added.

About dialogue with Jatiya Oikyafront, the AL general secretary said discussion can be held with the alliance in a limited scale by November 7.

He said Prime Minister and Awami League President Sheikh Hasina will take a decision whether dialogues would be held after November 7 or not.

Quader said the previous discussion with Oikyafront was held in a friendly atmosphere and the alliance leaders expressed their opinions freely and uninterruptedly.

“If they again want to sit in discussion, we would try to do that,” he added.

Quader said: “Ice has started melting. When we sit for discussion, many problems get resolved”.

He said there is no bar on holding public rally for the election but when the dialogue is on, programmes for movement cannot be announced.

BSS/Asg/BKD/MKD/GA/1511 hrs