BSP-12 England cricketers warned over Sri Lanka upheaval





England cricketers warned over Sri Lanka upheaval

COLOMBO, Oct 30, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – England’s cricket stars have been told
to stay away from political demonstrations while touring Sri Lanka, which is
in the grip of a constitutional power struggle.

One man has been killed in upheaval after President Maithripala Sirisena
sacked the country’s prime minister and replaced him with former strongman
leader Mahinda Rajapakse.

“We are exercising vigilance and avoiding all demonstrations or large
political gatherings,” England spokesman Danny Reuben told AFP.

“We are aware of a political demonstration today, but for us it is all
about preparations for the first Test.”

Reuben said a four-day practice match in Colombo would go ahead as planned,
despite the troubles in the capital.

England take on Sri Lanka in the first Test at Galle, in the south of the
country, on November 6. England are due to stay in Sri Lanka until November
27 when the third Test ends.

The dispute between sacked prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and
Rajapakse has already hit Sri Lanka’s cricket establishment.

On Sunday, bodyguards for Petroleum Minister Arjuna Ranatunga, Sri Lanka’s
captain when they won the 1996 World Cup, opened fire at a crowd as they
moved to rescue him from Rajapakse supporters.

One man was killed and two others were wounded. Ranatunga was arrested
Monday on an allegation of ordering the shooting, but was released on bail.

BSS/AFP/FI/ 1412 hrs