Twenty shops gutted at Rangpur New Market


RANGPUR, Oct 23, 2018 (BSS) – Some 20 business shops with huge properties were gutted by a devastating fire at Rangpur New Market in the city tonight, police and fire service personnel said.

Assistant Deputy Director of Rangpur Fire Service and Civil Defense Station Shasuzzoha said the fire erupted from an electric short circuit in a shop and engulfed the adjoining shops gutting huge properties.

“Being informed, ten units of Fire Service and Civil Defense from four stations and police from Rangpur Kotwali Metropolitan Thana rushed to the spot and distinguished the fire in one hour,” he said.

High officials of the district and Rangpur Metropolitan Police administrations and local public representatives visited the spot and talked to the victim traders.

Officer-in-Charge of Rangpur Kotwali Metropolitan Thana Reazul Karim said the process of assessment of damages of properties already started.