Call to bring pro-liberation forces to power


RAJSHAHI, Oct 22, 2018 (BSS)- Speakers at a meeting here urged all
patriotic people to bring the pro-liberation forces to power to materialize
the dreams and spirit of the great war of liberation everywhere in the

They identically mentioned that anti-liberation elements have been hatching
deep-rooted conspiracies to destroy the hard-earned democracy of the country.
So, they shouldn’t be given any chance of coming to power.

Rajshahi city and district units of Ekattorer Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee
organized the meeting at Luxmipur crossing in the city on Sunday afternoon.

President of the committee Shahriar Kabir addressed the meeting as the
chief guest while its adviser Major General (Retd) Abdur Rashid spoke as
focal person with Rajshahi city unit president and language veteran Abul
Hossain in the chair.

Former Vice-chancellor (VC) of Rajshahi University Prof Abdul Khaleque,
former pro-VC Prof Muhammad Nurullah, teachers’ leader Prof Shafiqur Rahman,
president of Muktijuddha Pathagar Engineer Tazul Islam and Editor of Daily
Sonar Desh Akbarul Hassan Millat also spoke.

Kabir said newly floated political organisation Jatiya Oikyafront leaders
are isolated from the people and politically bankrupt. So they have opted to
go to foreign diplomats before going to the people.

“They have made mistake from the very beginning. Without approaching the
people, they have gone to foreign diplomats. They want to bring the
foreigners into confidence. They don’t feel the need to bring the people into
confidence,” he added.

He urged the people to be careful about communal forces. “We should resist
communal forces and help non-communal forces be emerged in the upcoming
national election, “he added.

Kabir urged all to cast their votes for pro-liberation force’s candidates.