BSS-32 Go abroad with training, PM to overseas job-seekers





Go abroad with training, PM to overseas job-seekers

JEDDHA, Oct 18, 2018 (BSS) – Describing training as very much essential
for the overseas job-seekers, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today advised the
overseas job-seekers to take proper training before going abroad.

“It’s very unfortunate that the people who want to go abroad with job are
less interested to get training,” she said while laying the foundation stone
of Bangladesh Consulate Building here this afternoon.

The premier said the untrained expatriate workers fall in danger abroad
as they tend to just “manage certificates” by spending a little amount of
money without going through any practical training.

“It’s very regretting and attention needs to be given in this regard,” she

The prime minister said the government is providing training to the people
intending to go abroad with jobs. “This training is very much important for
them, otherwise they become victims of torture and repression while staying
abroad,” she said.

The prime minister said many overseas job-seekers fall in danger after
falling prey to the middlemen by selling their land and property.

“They have to suffer in prison day after day due to their wrong
decisions,” she said.

In this connection, she said the expert expatriates could play an
important role by providing information to them.