BCN-16,17 S.Korea’s job creation improves despite unemployed topping 1 mln





S.Korea’s job creation improves despite unemployed topping 1 mln

SEOUL, Oct. 13, 2018 (BSS/Xinhua) – South Korea’s labor market conditions
improved last month, though the number of those unemployed topped 1 million
for nine straight months, a government report showed Friday.

The number of those employed totaled 27,055,000 in September, up 45,000
from a year ago, according to Statistics Korea.

It was up from a rise of 3,000 jobs in August, but the job growth hovered
below 100,000 for eight straight months. The September figure marked the
third-lowest monthly increase this year.

Those who were hired by manufacturers reduced 42,000 in September from a
year earlier, after shrinking more than 100,000 for three months to August.

The number of those who work in the eatery and lodging sectors tumbled
86,000 in the month, marking the biggest fall since the relevant data began
to be compiled in 2014.

The sharp fall was attributed to the lower number of Chinese tourists
visiting South Korea and stiffer competition in the sectors.

Job creation in the health, social welfare, information and
communications, and agricultural industries increased last month, while those
in the business facility management, rent services, wholesale and retail
sectors declined.

The number of those unemployed totaled 1,024,000 in September, up 92,000
from a year earlier. The reading topped 1 million for the ninth consecutive

Jobless rate stood at 3.6 percent in September, up 0.3 percentage points
from the same month of last year. It was the highest September figure since

Kim Eui-keum, spokesman for President Moon Jae-in, told a press briefing
that the job data was better than expected though the labor market was still
in a grave situation, saying the government will make best efforts to create

The Moon government prioritized the creation of decent jobs, especially
among the younger generation, but it had yet to take effect.





The unemployment rate among youths aged 15-29 was 8.8 percent in
September, down 0.4 percentage points from a year ago.

The so-called expanded jobless rate, which reflects labor market
conditions more accurately, stood at 11.4 percent in September, with the rate
for the younger generation coming to 22.7 percent.

The two were the highest September figures since the relevant data began
to be compiled in 2015.

The official unemployment rate refers to those who are immediately
available for work but fail to get a job for the past four weeks despite
efforts to actively seek a job.

The expanded jobless rate adds those who are discouraged to seek a job,
those who work part-time against their will to work full-time and those who
prepare to get a job after college graduations to the official jobless rate.

The quality of jobs was enhanced as the number of regular workers expanded
by 330,000 last month in contrast to the falls of 190,000 and 24,000,
respectively, of irregular workers and those who work on a daily basis.

The hiring rate lost 0.2 percentage points over the year to 61.2 percent
in September.

The hiring rate gauges the percentage of working people to the working-age
population, or those aged above 15. The employment rate is used as an
alternative to jobless rate, and the government set its long-term target at
70 percent.

The number of economically non-active population rose 114,000 from a year
earlier to 16,158,000 in September.

Those who attended school and raised children reduced last month, but
those who did housework increased.

Discouraged workers, who gave up efforts to seek a job because of the
worsening labor market conditions, gained 73,000 over the year to 556,000 in
September, the highest since the relevant data began to be compiled in 2014.