BFF-23 IMF chief ‘horrified’ by Khashoggi case, but Saudi trip unchanged





IMF chief ‘horrified’ by Khashoggi case, but Saudi trip unchanged

NUSA DUA, Indonesia, Oct 13, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – IMF chief Christine Lagarde
said Saturday she was “horrified” by reports about the fate of Saudi
dissident Jamal Khashoggi but she still plans to attend an economic meeting
in Riyadh this month.

“Horrifying things have been reported and I am horrified, but I have to
conduct the business of the IMF in all corners in the world,” she said in
Bali, where the Fund is meeting.

“At this point of time my intention is to not change my plans and to be
very attentive to the information that is coming out in the next few days.”

BSS/AFP/GMR/1130 hrs